vrijdag 28 november 2008



Parbo Bier


Computers in lokaal 301 netwerken
Computerlokaal van de Wim Bosch Vershuur school inrichten
Netwerken computer te Mattonshoop
Netwerk aan de Coppenamestraat nakijken



ROC Midden Nederland
ROC Midden Nederland is ontstaan uit de fusie tussen het ROC Utrecht en ROC De Amerlanden. De fusie is goed voorbereid en het resultaat mag er dan ook zijn. Zo is er extra geïnvesteerd in ICT-middelen, huisvesting en onderwijsontwikkeling. Natuurlijk hebben we de goede dingen van de fusiescholen behouden. We hebben bijvoorbeeld nog steeds uitstekende contacten met het bedrijfsleven, instellingen en gemeenten in de regio. Maar het belangrijkste is dat we ook bij ROC Midden Nederland ons uiterste best doen om je een goede opleiding aan te bieden. Een opleiding waarin jouw carrière centraal staat.

website: http://www.rocmn.nl

Us Media
Us Media is een full service interactief productiebureau vol ervaring, passie en creativiteit. Al vanaf 1997 ontwikkelen wij geavanceerde interactieve projecten voor onze opdrachtgevers, maar ook voor toonaangevende reclame bureaus. Intussen werken we in hartje Amsterdam met meer dan 30 professionals aan websites, webapplicaties, marketing & communicatie trajecten, grafische ontwerpen en complexe IT oplossingen.

Ons portfolio is een fraaie waaier van mooi werk voor diverse merken, variërend van Business-to-business, business-to-consumer, thematisch, actiematig, promotioneel tot marketing ondersteunende oplossingen. Op elke interactieve vraag krijgt u van ons een passend en verrassend antwoord. Kijk bijvoorbeeld eens naar onze cases voor de introductie van een nieuwe Rexona Deo en de enorme marketingportal voor Modekoning Tommy Hillfiger.

website: http://www.usmedia.nl


Het Natuurtechnisch Instituut is een toonaangevend, ontwikkelingsgericht, dynamisch instituut dat beroepskader opleidt voor technische -, natuurtechnische - en laboratoriumsectoren die deel uitmaken van het bedrijfsleven, de dienstensector en de overheid van Suriname. Dit beroepskader heeft de kwaliteit en de potentie om zijn leidende rol te blijven vervullen in de ontwikkeling van ons land, en staat als zodanig nationaal, regionaal en internationaal bekend.

website: http://www.natin.sr/

Spang Makandra
Spang Makandra is een uniek initiatief. Dankzij een stevige opleiding krijgen Surinaamse ICT talenten de perfecte opstap naar een veelbelovende, internationale carrière.

In 2005 startten Us Media, the Backlot Holding en Cybermango Spang Makandra. In Suriname, een land met veel leergierige jongeren en een grotendeels tweetalige bevolking. Een ideale voedingsbodem voor een nieuw ICT instituut.

website: www.spangmakandra.com

You Tube Channel

We hebben een plek gemaakt waar je filmpjes van Suriname kan zien. Hier komen uiteindelijk alle filmpjes die gemaakt worden voor, tijdens en na de verschillende stages uit zowel Suriname als Nederland.


Overzicht van gastgezinnen


naam: Jean-Pierrre Draibas (17 jr)
Lelydorperweg 64E
Tel: 8684500
Reisafstand: 30 min

Naam: Previen Ghisiawan (17 jr)
Engelbrechtweg 36B
Tel: (+597)8510714
Reisafstand: 30 min

Allan Kartodikromo (18 jr)
Djintinderweg 16
Tel: (+597)531372
Reisafstand: 10 min

Chirmoti, Awinash (17 jr)
Tel: (+597)8548196
Reisafstand: 30 min

Libby, Jean (17 jr)
Borneoweg 119
Tel: (+597)8724285
Reisafstand: 40 min

Jageswar, Akash (17 jr)
Oost-West-Verbinding BR.40
Tel: (+597)8501032
Reisafstand: 40 min


Raymond Bak (18 jr)

Steven Baas (18 jr)

Pim van Denderen (18 jr)

Roland Emmerig (17 jr)
vlakbij Rotterdam

Matthijs van leeuwen (26 jr)

Martijn Soesbergen (17 jr)

dinsdag 25 november 2008

Informatie: Tijdzone

Suriname is in Northern South America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between French Guiana and Guyana. Suriname Standard Time is GMT -3. Two hours later than Eastern Standard Time (EST) in North America. Suriname does not operate Daylight-Saving Time

Informatie: Sport

Watersports: Beaches are not of the highest standard and only a few are suitable for swimming (which is prohibited at some classified beaches within nature reserves). An unusual but popular location for swimming is Colakreek, a recreation area 50km (32 miles) south of Paramaribo consisting of numerous creeks with brown water in the small savannah belt behind the coastal plains. There are public pools in Paramaribo, Niew-Nickerie, Moengo and Groningen and most hotels have private pools. There are facilities for sailing at Jachthaven Ornamibo.

Ecotourism: Nearly 80 per cent of the country is covered with tropical rainforest, which is protected by an efficient system of national parks and protected areas. Guided trips to Raleighvallen/Voltzberg Nature Park or Natuurpark Brownsberg (Brownsberg Nature Park) can be booked in Paramaribo. Some offer accommodation in lodges. Visits to indigenous village communities can also be organised and frequently involve river tours. One of the most popular is the five-day river tour of Kumalu and the Awarra Dam region. Wildlife enthusiasts can observe numerous mammals (including jaguars, pumas and ocelots), birds (such as flamingos and eagles), rare flowers (including orchids and ixora) as well as the black and blue morpho butterflies. Giant Leatherback sea turtles can be watched laying their eggs in the Galibi Nature Reserve (accessible by boat only). Bikes can be hired. Further information can be obtained from the Foundation for Nature Preservation in Surinam, Cornelis Jongbawstraat 14, PO Box 12252, Paramaribo (tel: 427 102/3 or 476 597; fax: 421 850; e-mail: webmaster@stinasu.sr; website: www.stinasu.sr).

Golf: An 18-hole golf course is located 5km (3 miles) from Paramaribo on the airport road.

Informatie: Over de mensen

Suriname has a small population of about 400 000 people. The offical language is Dutch, but many other languages are also spoken. Most Surinamese, about 85%, live in the coastal area, and almost all of them in Paramaribo. The forest is occupied by Maroons and Amerindians who live scattered along its major rivers. The northern coastal plain is farmed, mined and logged, and the area along most rivers is heavily used for subsistence agriculture in the interior.

Informatie: Winkeltijden

Stores are open at 8 am to 4 pm on weekdays and are closed by 1 pm on Saturdays. Stores are closed on Sunday. Bargaining is a must in the markets but in the main stores it will get you nowhere. Woodcarvings, particularly from cedar, are works of art.

Informatie: Geldverkeer

Banking: Banking hours are from 7 am to 2 pm.

Currency:Surinam Dollar (SRD) = 100 cents. Notes are in denominations of SRD100, 50, 20, 10 and 5. Coins are in denominations of 250, 100, 25, 10, 5 and 1 cents.

Informatie: Sociaal

Food & Drink: The cuisine is as as varied as Suriname's population. Rice (farmed extensively in the Nickerie region) is the country's staple. Vegetables such as sweet potato, cassava, planatin and red peppers are commonly used.

Excellent Indonesian food can be found as can Hindustani dishes.

Don't miss the opportunity to have fresh pinepapple available at the Central; market or at stalls on the roadsides leading out of Paramaribo. Other fabuluos tropical fruits include maripa and awarra.

Local rum is tasty and good value. Black Cat is recommended. Stay away from the very cheap rum. The local beer - Parbo- a pilsner type brew is also excellent; a must for beer lovers.

Nightlife: There are several nightclubs in Paramaribo, often attached to a hotel, with live music and dancing. There are also a number of discos and several cinemas, including a drive-in. In general, it is best to stick to the hotels unless accompanied by locals who know the reputations of other nightspots, in particular those out of the town centre. The Local Events Bulletin lists all current activities and is usually available in hotels.

Special Events: For further details, contact the Surinam Tourism Foundation (see Contact Addresses section). The following is a selection of special events occurring in Surinam in 2005:
Jan New Year’s Jam/End of Surifesta (top musicians welcome the New Year). Feb Carnival. Mar Holi Phagwa Hindu Spring Festival. Apr Evening March of Folkloric Groups, Paramaribo. Nov 1 Diwali Hindu Light Festival. Nov-Jan Surifesta (end-of-year festival). Nov 4-6 End of Ramadan.

Social Conventions: Informal dress is suitable for most occasions. Guayabera or safari outfits are increasingly worn in place of jackets and ties. Women should wear long trousers on trips to the interior. Beachwear should be confined to the beach or poolside. Photography: It is inadvisable to photograph public places, particularly of a political or military nature (including police stations). There is a general sensitivity about the taking of photographs – it is advisable to seek prior permission.

Informatie: Communicatie

Telephone: IDD is available. Country code: 597. There are no area codes. Outgoing international code: 00.

Mobile telephone: GSM 900 network. Main operator is Telesur GSM. Coverage is mainly limited to Paramaribo.

Fax: Faxes can be sent from the Telesur offices on Spanhoec Street, Paramaribo, and some hotels.

Internet: ISPs include SRNet (website: www.sr.net).

Telegram: These can only be sent from offices of Telesur (Telecommunicatiebedrijf Surinam) in both Paramaribo and the districts.

Post: Post office hours: 0700 to mid-afternoon. Airmail to and from Europe usually takes about one week to arrive.

Press: Dutch-language dailies include De Ware Tijd and De West.

Informatie: Bereikbaarheid

The main road (locally known as the Kennedy Highway) from the airport (Johan Adolf Pengel) to Paramaribo is paved and in generally good condition. The road from Paramaribo to Nickerie is also paved but apparently susceptible to flooding in the rainy season. Other roads are generally unpaved and bauxite topped making them dusty in dry season and in places difficult to negotiate.

Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport, often known as Zanderij, is located approximately 1 hour south of Paramaribo. The terminal is modern and has a limited selection of duty-free items available.

Air services to the interior usually operate on a charter basis. Medium-sized buses on the coastal highway are frequent and exceptionally cheap, but crowded; taxis, which are faster though more expensive, travel along the same routes. To visit the interior and some coastal areas, river transport is the least expensive (and often only) option.

Informatie: Algemeen Suriname

Area: 163,265 sq km (63,037 sq miles).

Population: 429,000 (UN estimate 2001).

Population Density: 2.6 per sq km.

Capital: Paramaribo. Population: 214,000 (2000).

Language: The official language of Suriname is Dutch. In the higher-end hotels English is widely spoken. The local dialect is Sranang Tongo (Surinamese, sometimes called Taki-Taki) is native language of Creoles and much of the younger population. East-Indians communicate in Sarnami Hindostani (a dialect of Hindi) and Indonesians speak Javanese.

Government: Republic since 1987. Gained independence from The Netherlands in 1975. Head of State: President Runaldo Ronald Venetiaan since 2000.

Religion: Approximately 48 per cent Christian, 27 per cent Hindu and 20 per cent Muslim.

Electricity: 127 volts AC, 60Hz. European round two-pin plugs and screw-type lamp fittings are in use.

GEOGRAPHY: To the west of the country is Guyana, to the south is Brazil, to the east is French Guiana and to the north is the Atlantic Ocean. The highest point in the country is 4000 ft high Julianatop. The vast majority of the population lives along the coast and along some roads which go inland.

Wat is GoSuriname?

GoSuriname is een pilot studenten uitwisselingsprogramma waarbij studenten van het Natin (Suriname) en het ROCMN (Nederland). In december 2008 zullen er 6 studenten uit Nederland naar Suriname gaan om daar samen met 6 Surinaamse studenten projecten te doen en bedrijven te bezoeken. Aangezien studenten bij de studenten thuis verblijven zal er een optimale cultuur uitwisseling plaats vinden. In Mei 2009 zullen de 6 Surinaamse studenten naar Nederland komen om een zelfde programma in Nederland te volgen.

Deze BLOG is een plek voor vragen en antwoorden die je kunt hebben m.b.t. de uitwisseling met Suriname en Nederland. Mocht je zelf nog aanvullende vragen of opmerkingen hebben laat ons die dan weten op e-mailadres: gosuriname@gmail.com.

Veel plezier!
Het GoSuriname team

Wilt u contact met ons opnemen dan kan dat op e-mailadres: gosuriname@gmail.com